Presented by Deborah Shelton Wood, descendant.
Here is part of a file pertaining to the Claim made by Henry Tilley who applied for a pension due to his participation
in the American Revolution. He died not long after he applied and his daughter, Alice Tilley Throckmorton did file a claim
for his service pension, on behalf of the heirs in 1852. Therefore we know that Elizabeth, the wife of Henry Tilley had died
by 1852.
This was sent to me several years ago by another descendant who had a copy of his War file. I no longer have the name
of the person who sent this to me. The names added at the bottom of the document indicates that unknown person's research
notes; I do not have reason to believe that Henry had a son named Lewis, although it is not impossible.
Following that document will be a transcription of a land/deed transaction for the heirs of this Henry Tilley, deceased,
which proves most, if not all of his legal heirs.
Children and some of their spouses are named as heirs of Henry TILLEY, in the sale of the land from his estate.
Stokes Co., NC Deed Book 11, p. 157
Deed dated 4 April 1835
The transcription of this deed was kindly provided to me by Gail Blancett.
Peter Wood of Stokes Co., Anderson Allen of Patrick Co., VA, John Woods, Martin Tilly, Ellender Tilley, and Jane Tilley
of Stokes Co. sold to James Throgmorton for $178.25 to "them and the next of the heirs of Henry Tilley, dec'd,"
land on North side of Little Snow Creek bordering Lazarus Tilley's old corner, 135 1/2 acres except 1 1/2 acres sold to Chas.
Reeves now dec'd. Witness Wm. C. Moore & W. C. Cole. Signatures are Peter Wood, Anderson "n" Allen, John Wood,
Martin (x) Tilley, Ellender (x) Tilley, and Jane (x) Tilley.
Click here to view my family tree which shows these children of Henry and Elizabeth Tilley and some of their descendants.
We know from the Rev. Pension Application file that Henry's daughter Alice was married to James Throckmorton. Marriage
records show a marriage of Nancy Tilley to John Wood on 17 Jan 1807. Jane H. Tilley (unmarried at the time of this deed)is
believed to have married William H. Reeves on 30 June 1835.
Furthermore, I believe that Henry's wife Elizabeth is indeed Margaret Elizabeth Martin, although it has not been proven.
My opinion is shared by some Martin researchers and it is mentioned in the book, "James T. Martin, Anson County,
NC: His Ancestors and Descendants:", by John Ratcliffe, Winter Park FL 1985.