Pension Application of Henry Tilley: S7731
Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris
State of North Carolina}
Stokes County} SS.
On this 29th day of April 1833 personally appeared before me Charles Banner one of the acting Justices of the peace in
and for the County aforesaid Henry Tilley a resident of the County aforesaid aged about seventy nine or eighty years living
about twenty three miles from the seat where the Courts are held for said County who being duly sworn according to Law doth
on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed the 7th of June 1832;
that from bodily infirmity occasioned by old age he is not capable of traveling to the Court of said County in order
to make his declaration in Court, therefore declares before me that he entered the service of the United States under the
following named officers and served as herein after stated, (to wit) that in the Summer or Autumn of the year 1776 he entered
the service as a volenteer private soldier in Guilford County North Carolina & served in the notorious expedition to the
Cherokee Nation of Indians in a company of Militia commanded by a Capt. Joseph Martin in a regiment commanded by Col. Joseph
Williams of Surry County N. C. and marched over the Blue ridge of Mountains & joined the troops commanded by Colo. Christa
[sic: probably Col. William Christian] from Virginia
thence to the Cherokee Towns crossing Holson river [sic: Holston River] & demolished several Indian viliges[?] &
after a Capitulation being made with Indians the Army took up the line of march and returned home and was discharged
In this service this applicant remained four months, the names of some of the officers he recollects to wit Capt Henry
Smith Capt[?] Rich'd Goode & Mark Hadin Ensign or Lieutenant.
the next service he embarked into as a volenteer private in the Militia under the command of a Capt Welborn in Colo Woldridges
Regiment Marched through various parts of Surry, Rowan, Iredel [sic: Iredell] & Wilks [sic: Wilkes] Counties in N. Carolina.
The date he cannot remember owing to the infirmities of old age & loss of memory, But recollects of being in a Battle
against Tories & British near the Shallow ford of the Yadkin River [14 Oct 1780] where a certain Capt Linking was killed
by the Tories, when & where the Tories were defeated & a number of them taken prisoners when this applicant was ordered
to guard the prisoners & convey them to the Moravian Town [sic: Bethabara in present Winston Salem NC], where he was discharged
& returned home in this service he remained three months & some days. That he has no documentary evidence ; &
that he knows of no person living in Stokes County that can testify as to his services except his Brother Edmond Tilley (#
Guilford County then, now Rockingham)
he hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a Pension or Annuity except the present and declares that his name is not
on the Pension Roll of the agency of any State. he says he was born in Albemarle County in Virginia But has no record of his
age, that he resided in then Guilford County now Rockingham County N. Carolina when he first entered into the service to the
Cherokee Nation, & in Surry County in the second & last service in all he served seven 7 months & now lives in
Stokes County N.Carolina.
he entered both tours as a volenteer. he cannot recollect the names of more of his officers than he has already named,
& does not recollect of receiving a writen discharge but was dismissed by his Captains sd. Martin & Welborn, that
he is acquainted with Gen'l James Martin and James Davis Sen'r Esquire who can testify as to his character & veracity
and belief of service, as a soldier in the Revolution.
Sworn to & subscribed the day & year first above writen before me
Henry hisXmark Tilley
C Banner JP
[On 30 April 1833, Edmond Tilley, age 83, swore that his brother Henry Tilley had served as stated in his declaration.]
Know all men by these presents that I Alice Throckmorton of the County of Stokes and State of North Carolina & and
one of the children & Legal Representatives of Henry Tilley or Tilling a Revolutionary soldier and his wife Elizabeth
Tilley or -ing who is now deceased do hereby irrevocably constitute and appoint L Blanchard True of Washington City D. C.
my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name to inquire into & prosecute any claim that may be due or found to be
due the children and legal Representatives of Henry Tilley or Tilling in virtue of the services of the said Henry Tilly or
Tilling 14th day of May 1852
[A paper in the file states that Henry Tilley died 13 Aug 1833. A typed summary dated 20 July 1932 states that, The next
spring [after the Cherokee campaign] he married and moved to Surry County, North Carolina, and later enlisted and served three
months as a private in Captain Welborn's Company]