In the name of God Amen. I, Josiah Shelton of Halifax County being of sound and perfect mind and
memory thanks to almighty God for the same do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following,
to wit :
Item It is my desire that my Just Debts shall be paid out of my Estate.
Item I lend all of my Estate
to my beloved wife Elizabeth Shelton during of her life or widowhood.
Item It is my desire that Benja. Clements &
Godfre Shelton shall purches a tract of land out of my Estate for my Wife and the same be for her use in during of her life
or widowhood.
Item After the death or widowhood of my beloved wife it is my desire that all of my Estate shall be
Equally divided between Godfre Shelton Absalom Shelton, Josiah Shelton, Anne Clements, Ruthy Murphy, Patsey Shelton and Elizabeth
Lastly I do nominate constitute and appoint Benja. Clements and Godfre Shelton Executors of this my last
will and Testament revoking all other and former Wills by me heretofore made by word or writing, ratifying & constitute
this my last will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this 5 Day of Feby 1797.
Sealed, signed published and delivered by the testator within mentioned to his be his last will and testament
in the presence of
Josiah X Shelton
Anthony Mills, William Parker, Abslom Shelton
At a Court held
for Halifax County the 25th day of September 1797. The within written last will and Testament of Josiah Shelton decd.
was exhibited in Court and proved by the oaths of Two of the Witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be Recorded And on
the motion of Benjamin Clements and Godfre Shelton the Executors thereon named who made oath according to law Certificate
is granted them for obtaining probate thereof in due form they giving security and entered into bond in the Penalty of Ten
thousand dollars. Whereupon the said Benjamin Clemments and Godfre Shelton with John Jones, Absalom Shelton, David Tucker,
Meades Anderson, and Barlett Crainshaw their securities entered into and acknowleged their bond in the penalty aforesaid conditioned
according to law.
Teste Geo. Carrington CHC
Exd. Truly Recorded
Teste, Berry Green D.C.H.C.
Know all men by these presents that whereas Josiah Shelton, late of Halifax County dec'd by his last will & testament
in writing as appears by reference to said will did give and bequeathe unto me, Godfrey Shelton, of Davidson County, State
of Tennessee, a legacy of one equal part of all his estate to be paid unto me upon a division of said estate and at the same
time made me executor Jointly with Benjamin Clements, now know ye, thus in consequence of my living out of state, not being
able to attend to the discharge of my executorship & relying upon the honesty and integraty of Benjamin Clements, who
alone will act, that I the said Godfrey Shelton of the Co & State aforesaid have made, ordained, constituted & appointed
Jesse Murphy of Halifax Co vis. my true & lawful attorney, me & in my name & for my own proper use and benefit,
to ask, demand and receive of & from the said Benjamin Clements, whatever Legacy may desolve to me upon a division of
the Sd Estate upon his receipt thereof, or upon Sd Clements's making full payment & discharge thereof, to my Sd attorney
he shall for me & in my name make grant, execute & deliver unto him the Sd Clements a general release as to me and
my heirs hereby ratifying, confirming & granting all and whatever my sd attorney shall or may lawfully do in the promises.
In Witness whereof I the said Godfrey Shelton hath hereunto his hand and same this 11th September 1809.
God. Shelton.
William Moseley, George Gunter, Absalum Shelton
Halifax Co, Va Deeds Book 22 p 263
At a Court held for Halifax County the 25th day of December 1809
The within written letter of Attorney was proved by the oaths of two Witnesses thereto subscribed to be the act and deed
of the within named Godfrey Shelton party thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Teste: John Wimbish Clerk