I John Parks, Sr. of State of North Carolina, County of Wilkes being in perfect senses and memory calling to mind the
mortality of my body knowing it is appointed for all men to die I make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner
and form following.
I leave my soul to almighty god that give it to me hoping through the merits of my blessed savior to inherit eternal
life and my body to decently buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter mentioned
And to all my worldly goods, bequeath in manner and form following.
Item: my will and desire is that all my just debts be paid fully and satisfied.
Item: my will and desire is that my son John Parks be paid eight pounds Virginia money out of my estate for one hogshead
of tobacco I borrowed of him.
Item: I give unto my daughter Sary Sails five shilling sterling for her full part of my estate.
Item: I give unto my son Samuel Parks the land and plantation where I now live also my wagon for his full part of my estate
to be delivered to them by my executor's before the day of sale of my estate.
Item: my will and desire is that my son Samuel Parks should have the care and management of my daughter Milly Parks and
her part of my estate.
Item: my will and desire is that my negroes be sold at the highest bidder amongst my children as it's my desire that they
be kept among my children.
Item: my will and desire is that all the rest of my estate be sold at public sale after my death and all the money arising
from my whole estate be equally divided among the rest of my children and constitute and appoint my son Benjamin Parks, William
Carrel and Samuel Parks executors of this my last will and testament revoking and annulling all other wills by me heretofore
made allowing this to be my last will and testament.
Witnesses: on 7 February 1787 William Carrell, George Parks, Benjamin Thurston - My will and desire is that some of my
estate should be sold to pay my debts before the division of my estate.
Wilkes County Original Estates, NC 1777-1945 C.R.104.508.35
1794/Will dated 7 Feb 1787. Probated Jan term 1793. Wilkes Co. N.C. Records.
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